Giving for Kids

How we use donations

As a nonprofit, we rely on community partners and donors like you to help us provide the best care and services possible to children and families we serve. Any money or items donated to North Star are used to enhance our programs and fulfill our mission to provide hope and healing to foster youth.

Your donation will help us help foster youth

Foster Youth Experiences

    • Sports team fees and equipment
    • Summer camps and other trips
    • Music and dance classes

Wish-List Items

    • Teddy bears, dolls, and other toys that help bring comfort to foster children
    • Laptops for school
    • Birthday and Christmas gifts
    • Extra clothing for youth who come to North Star with little more than the clothes on their back

Additional Support for Teens

    • Vocational training
    • Moving out and college expenses for youth transitioning at the age of 18-21

Additional Services

    • Specialized counseling and therapeutic services
    • Educational tutoring
    • Family preservation services, including: parenting classes and counseling for the biological family

How can you participate?

Give Time— Contact your us to ask about volunteer opportunities.

Give Dollars— Donate online and help us continue our mission of bringing hope and healing to the families and foster youth we serve. North Star is a non-profit 501c (3) organization and classified as a public charity, so all donations are tax deductible.

Give Goods— Donating new clothing, toys, gift cards, backpacks, and suitcases are all great ways to support foster youth! Contact North Star to find out more. Ask about our programs!

Give Kindness— Do you know a foster family who could use a helping hand? Or perhaps you know of a family who is currently under a lot of stress? Reach out to them and provide support in any way you can.

    • Bring a meal
    • Offer emotional support
    • Become a respite care provider
    • Ask them what type of help they would appreciate most

Give Together— Get your friends and family involved! Organize a toy drive, walk your neighborhood, host a community conversation, or volunteer with a small group. You could be the spark of change and positivity your community needs!

Share Why You Give— Share on social media how you’re supporting foster youth and families this. Your story of generosity will inspire others to do the same, and the ripple effect may be bigger than you think!

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